DI-2008 ASCII mode support - or Javascript samples for binary mode ?

DI-2008 ASCII mode support - or Javascript samples for binary mode ?


Is ASCII mode planned to be supported in some near future versions of firmware in DI-2008 ?

I'm reading page 38 from 

that it's not supported for DI-2008. I would like to know if firmware could be modified to support it or should we look for other solutions ?

We are considering using multiple DI-2008's for measuring thermocouples with multiple Raspberry Pi units, located at few manufacturing plants as part of QA-testing. One Pi would have one DI-2008 connected to it and measurements will go to central database.

We are considering using Node Red (so Javascript) as our programming language. If we would have either a) ASCII mode supported for DI-2008 or b) an working Javascript sample how to drive DI-2008 and parse binary protocol output to decimal values, that would help.

Or is there any other low-cost model with thermocouple input that has simple ASCII output. We just need simple temperatures from thermocouples.

We have used DI-245 Dataq's previously with C# .NET and they have been working nicely.