DI-2108-P: Cross interference between digital port signals

DI-2108-P: Cross interference between digital port signals


I am noticing significant interference between a pulse signal being recorded on the D3 (count) port and a switch being monitored on the D0 (event) port. I've attached an image of the D0 channel during a period that the switch state did not change, but the pulse signal was active. The D0 value jumps back and forth from 119 and 127 frequently, seemingly corelated to the pulse signal changes. When the switch status changes, the values do change to either 118 or 126 and continue to jumped between those. So the state of the switch can be determined but the changing values make it more difficult to analyze the data afterwards. Could there be an error in connections or is there a away to avoid this? The connections are not in contact at any point.

Ryan Keizer