DI-2108 Sample Rate Calculation
I am not sure how to interpret "Sample rate per scan list element" in equation at the bottom of page 7 in the protocol manual. How does the sample rate change with the number of elements in the scan list? If I want to acquire data for all 8 analog channels at the highest resolution at a sample rate of 20Hz, (samples/sec), which do I use to yield 20Hz rate at 1000 points CIC filtered per sample:
1. srate = 375, dec = 500 and deca = 2; (has factor of 8 in divisor for all 8 channels)
2. srate = 3000, dec = 500 and deca =2; (no channel factor)
In both cases the resulting Sample Rate is 20Hz would yield 16-bit resolution according to resolution equation and chart on page 16 of the DI-2108 manual, correct?
If I use a channel factor as in #1 then if I sampled 8 analog and 4 digital channels, would the channel factor now be 12?