DI-245 Serial communication receiver code

DI-245 Serial communication receiver code


    I want to use labview programming for DI-245.

    Because I need to record the data with YOKOGAWA WT310E(power meter). Now I connected the YOKOGAWA power meter with LABview and can read the data from it.

   I get the DI-245 communicate program, it is 00 41 32 00 4E 5A 00 4E 30(hexadecimal). And the baud rate is 19200. I sent 00 41 32 00 4E 5A 00 4E 30 from PC to DI-245 by serial debugging assistant.

   And get the reply from DI-245. I short 4channel positive input and  negative input.

  Adjust DC power supply output voltage to 1.5V, then sent 00 41 32 00 4E 5A 00 4E 30 twice time, get below reply:

11 16 0F 22 16 1F 80 16 5F 22 16 EE 11 16 FF

11 16 0F 22 16 1F 80 16 5F 22 16 EE 11 1E FF

Adjust DC power supply output voltage to 2.8V, then sent 00 41 32 00 4E 5A 00 4E 30 twice time, get below reply:

 11 16 4F 22 16 1F 80 16 CF 22 16 EE 11 16 FF

 11 16 0F 22 1E 9F 80 1E 8F 62 56 E6 11 16 FF

Adjust DC power supply output voltage to 10.2V, then sent 00 41 32 00 4E 5A 00 4E 30 twice time, get below reply:

11 16 0F 22 16 9F C0 16 5F 22 16 EE 11 16 FF

11 16 2F 2A 1E 9F 80 1E 5F 2A 1E EE 11 56 FF

So I get the frame head data is 11 16,  and frame tail data is FF, and my question is which data is check code? Which is channel 1 voltage data? Channel 2 voltage data? Channel 3 voltage data? Channel 4 voltage data?

How to calculate the input voltage?