DI-4718B-E not appearing in Dashboard over ethernet

DI-4718B-E not appearing in Dashboard over ethernet

I have 2 DI-4718B-E units that I am trying to connect to a computer using ethernet. I have tried connecting them on a network with a DHCP service as well as just the Win10 computer running WinDaq Dashboard with a network switch, and in both cases neither device appears in the dashboard while the status LED flashes Green Orange.
Having the devices set to use DHCP or a Static address did not work in either case (static address: 10.10.10.x subnet: gateway: (set as the computers static address on the NIC)).
The units both communicate perfectly over USB both individually and with ChannelStretch. 
The Firmware is on v1.36 on both units and neither had any sensors connected. 
The use case of these units would benefit greatly from being able to use them on a network that consists of only the units, a switch, and a laptop.