Reading T-type thermocouple on DI-2008 through USB

Reading T-type thermocouple on DI-2008 through USB


I should preface this by saying I am a thermal engineer, not a software person, so this may just be a stupid mistake I'm making.

I'm using DI-2008 and trying to read CH0, to which I have a T-type TC connected. I tested the TC in WinDaq and all is working properly. I enabled remote events and confirmed the device was communicating with an in the terminal with an info command.

Next I did the following:
slist 0 5888
srate 6000
dec 500
deca 3

I thought 5888 was the decimal equivalent of reading channel 0 with T-type configuration. But the values I get back hover between 99 and 100, and there is no obvious response when I pinch the TC with my finger.

Am I sending the wrong command to read Ch0 using Type T? Any help is appreciated.